Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dancing with Elevators: An Adventure in Wood Student Center

Life at UAF is not particularly ADA friendly. I knew that going in, so while I will focus my leadership projects in those areas, I am doing my best to address issues as they come up. Some things, like walking three to four times the distance than if I could take the stairs. Others are a little more of an issue, and these videos capture one of them. (Video filmed in the Wood Student Center's *only* elevator on Friday. It had similar problems on Wednesday and Thursday, and I called reports in each time there was a problem.)

And, when we got to the top.....

I am happy to report that these videos, taken last Friday, led to the elevator being fixed by the time I used it today. Simce I had called several times and shared the vudeo with several staff members, I got a call Friday late-afternoon, to tell me that the elevator was being closed down for the 3 day weekend, because the part to fix it had to be flown in. Hopefully this doesn't happen too often, since that elevator is the *only* way to get from upper campus, where the bus stop is, down to lower campus, where all my classes are taught.


  1. I may get to do even more. It sounds like I may be doing a weekly column in the student paper about disability issues.
