Sunday, January 5, 2014

Good Morning! Maddy Edition: It's Icicles Outside

Across the Lower 48, they are dealing with a cold snap that is dumping snow, and making it colder than usual. I can certainly commiserate, having dealt with blizzards in Wisconsin, and a prolonged ice storm, the winter I was pregnant with Maddy. As we have woken up each morning, we check our own weather, and then see how everyone else in our family is faring. We still haven't found anyone who is at colder temps from us, but we have had several mild days, (for Fairbanks) so they haven't been quite as far apart.

This morning we woke up for our new, 9:00 am church time, and got the chance to talk to Maddy. It was lunch time there, and she was very energetic. She is going with her dad and Miss Liz, (soon-to-be her stepmom) and she was pretty excited about going, and getting to listen to music with her iPod and headphones. She has been listening to Christmas music a lot, and reports that the snow and icicles outside, (including on their car every morning) makes it Christmas in New Jersey. I sure love that girl, and am always glad to have her share a little of her world.

This morning: Fairbanks is 12 F, Oregon City is 30 F, Gibbstown is 34 F (although Maddy reports snow and icicles, so it may be below freezing) and Castro Valley is 54 F right now. With a high of 18 for the day, we will be coldest, but not by all that much.

Last night, we went on a fun walk. It only had a 30% chance of snow listed for the evening, so we were surprised when it started falling about 20 minutes into our evening walk. (It has had the 30% chance listed for over 48 hours, and only 2 hours if that time did it snow. We were lucky to have been out at the right time for that winter magic.) We continued our hour long walk, with snow lightly building up on us and my walker. Here are a few pictures from the walk. More coming later as I get time to talk about Downtown Fairbanks!


  1. This is what I would imagine for a city in Alaska. Thanks for the snow pics!

  2. Don't worry, there are more coming!
